Sunday, June 23, 2019

Chit Chat

I must say I am enjoying this blogging again ,I  Blogged a few years back and entered many competitions, I was Lucky enough to Win Crafters Companion, it was a nice feeling to win with something that gives you so much joy and pleasure to make.
I am loving having a nose at all the Cards and to see the many different designs and sometimes it gives you inspiration and makes you get Crafting, I needed that after I lost my Mojo 4 years ago.
I love being back.
Just a thought, is it just me or does anybody else like to keep the cards they make, don't get me wrong, I do give them to people, but certain ones if I really like them I have to make another one for me.
Happy Crafting 

1 comment:

  1. If I really, really like a card I make, I do make another one just for me and put it in a special album!
